The Legend of Zelda: Dungeons of Infinity is a fully procedural roguelike that has been developed with Gamemaker Studio, using some of the original assets...
5.8 k downloads
Pokémon Reminiscencia is a Pokémon fangame for PC, which has a completely original story, original characters and more than a thousand Pokémon from the first...
32.6 k downloads
Elona - Eternal League of Nefia is a roguelike that, unlike many other roguelike titles, has amazing graphics and an accessible interface designed to attract...
34.5 k downloads
Rogue Legacy is a game of action, platforms, and adventure, in which you assume the role of a knight who comes to a castle to...
76.9 k downloads
The UnReal World is an extraordinary role-playing game where, instead of being set in an epic fantasy world with dragons, manticores and dark warriors, it...
7.6 k downloads
Rogue's Souls is a 'roguelike' mainly inspired in games like Dark Souls and Demon's Souls, two of the hardest games available for Playstation 3 and...
1.9 k downloads
Zorbus (Legacy Version) is a traditional-style roguelike where you delve into the depths of a randomly-generated dungeon as you try to find a portal to...
7.1 k downloads
Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead is a 'roguelike' game set in a post-apocalyptic world where the players have to try to survive while overcoming all of...
11.3 k downloads
Pixel Piracy is a combination of strategy, simulation, and roguelike games in 2D where players control the captain of a pirate ship, who has to...
35.6 k downloads
Demon is a roguelike where you play as a Summoner who acquires a powerful relic and discovers that he has to explore a mysterious tower...
1.7 k downloads